Case Study (Automotive)

Business Re-Engineering: To re-evaluate the purchasing model of used cars in the UK for a Top 10 car dealership network.

Dealer New Cars Stock. Colorful Brand New Compact Vehicles For Sale Awaiting on the Dealer Parking Lot. Car Market Business Concept.

 Case Study Summary.

Objective: To re-evaluate the performance of used car sales across UK wide showrooms at the company head office to establish the sales strategy. The project was to look at the sales performance using data mining techniques across a number of years of data to establish buying trends across the UK showrooms.

Project Duration & Team:

The project was conducted over a 3-month term, with a consultant placed at the head office working alongside the Director if Used Car Sales and the Managing Director.

Project Summary:

Data available with numerous parameters over several years of history was analyzed to establish multi-parameter trends across the showroom locations to trend buying habits. The analysis drew on factors to do with location, age, local and national factors effecting sales, properties of the cars and pricing strategies to evaluate buying habits and sales performance.
These trends were used to forecast company sales scenarios to understand which cars would be best suited to be stocked in different locations for used car sales.

Project Value – Incremental Gain:

The project forecast sales and stock management was established and a routine process to update the analysis periodically to be used as a forecast scenario modelling tool to manage used car inventories across the locations to achieve incremental sales volume.

Client feedback

“A truly value-added investment in having the right people come support us in building the forecasting analysis. Allows us to make use of years of data to drive decisions.’  MD, Company Confidential”

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